Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Date Night

Not much time to write tonight folks. I have a date. The Chief Lou is putting the monkeys to bed and I have a date. He's all the things a good tryst should be: he's dark and mysterious. He's rich and he's sweet, but just salty enough to not be boring. He sits silently and watches me write, he shares a double tall latte with me and waits patiently while I think. He's also famous. It doesn't get any better than this, folks.
Click here for his picture. Don't be jealous.


  1. The moment you said, "Don't be jealous," I knew I was going to be. *sigh*

    1. Usually when I say "don't be jealous," it's in reference to something ridiculous, but once in a while...

  2. (: He's beautiful. I don't suppose he has a cousin? Maybe you could introduce us? That'd be nice.

    1. Oh, Larissa! Did he ever have cousins! It was happy hour, so I could get 6 for the price of three. I brought home 5 to share with my monkeys and the Chief Lou.

  3. You're certainly correct about this date....he's all those things. I thought while reading that he sounds a lot like my Henry -- loyal and caring as well as all those things (except that Henry NEVER drinks coffee. But then neither do I).

  4. Um, wow. Even looking at the picture is a little bit satisfying. ;)


Thanks for reading and taking the time to say hello!