Monday, August 8, 2011

The Deep End

I've been faffing around with the idea of a blog forever and today's the day. Just going to dive right in. I'm a mom, but not a "mommy-blogger". I am interested in just about everything in the world and things that don't exactly interest me, at least provide some sort of horrid fascination.

I am intrigued by public dialogue, especially the type generated in the semi-anonymous, fictitious world of the Internet. I'm a completely hypocritical Luddite. I believe too much of our life is governed by assorted technologies that remove us from interacting with our world, our work, and with other people.
But here I sit at my laptop, listening to my iPod. When I finish typing this, I'm going to check my library account and my bank account on line and send a few emails to the parents in my daughter's class. So, yeah, I see the inconsistency there and it fascinates me.

Before I chose to stay home with my monkeys, I worked in mental health. I still work in mental health, I just don't get paid for it anymore. I knit, I sew, I cook, I read voraciously, I dabble in gardening and writing, I camp, I hike, I spend a lot of time listening and watching. I choose to believe that most of life is pretty funny and enjoyable and even the parts that really suck can be useful.

So there's my sort-of resume. It's all a bunch of nonsense, really. We're not a list of interests or careers or books read or favorite things. We are all of us complex, contradictory, wildly erratic, insane, beautiful creations. We're made of the little things that make up our every day - the things that happen out of the corner of our eye. 

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